How do I fight back in this mobile-first era?Use these top 33 app ninja tricks to fight back against the big guys
Will an app help me hook consumers to my shop's brand?Unlock the survey results of today's app addicted consumers
Why should I hire the app ninja for my first custom app?Learn how the app ninja is unlike any employee you've ever hired
Can I really have epic success with my very first app?Learn to avoid the costly first timer app development mistakes!
What does it take to get love from Apple and Google?Unlock the 5 steps you can't skip if you want to make friends with Apple
Can I really afford to get my own custom app for my shop?Debunk the 5 myths that keep owners from getting their own app
Can I really build loyalty with 1-to-1 app engagement?View this customer journey timeline to see how it brings them back
How would turn-key app rewards get my clients to return?Learn from Starbucks how to use a turn-key star rewards program
I still have many more questions... Do you have FAQ?View the common FAQ most beginners want to know about apps
How do I use an app to find $100,000 in lost revenue?Get Jeremy's book, "The Ultimate 5-Step Auto Repair Marketing Guide'
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